Rawley Silver

Rawley Silver is an American Art Therapist, artist, author, and educator. She has worked with different populations with her strong belief in using art as a form of language.[1] She has created tests to screen for cognitive and emotional disturbances in children with hearing impairments, stroke patients, and individuals with learning disabilities and those with emotional issues such as aggression and depression. Through her work in the field, Silver has contributed over eighty published works, including journal articles, books, and other publications, and she has presented at over seventy conferences and universities. Silver has been an honorary member of the American Art Therapy Association (AATA) since 1983, and has earned awards for her research in the field in 1976, 1989, 1992, and 1996. Rawley Silver is an honorary lifetime member of AATA and has been further honored by AATA creating an award in her name, the Rawley Silver Award for Excellence. This award is given to one student every year that has been accepted into an art therapy program and has at least a 3.5 grade point average.[2]


Life and Work

Silver graduated from Cornell University in 1939 with a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Studio Art. She then went on to study at the School of Social Work at Smith College from 1940 to 1941. Silver went on to work as a medical social worker and volunteered to work in a school that had no art teacher. In 1962, she attended the Teachers College of Columbia University, where she received her Doctorate of Education and Masters’ of Arts degree in Fine Arts and Fine Arts Education in 1966.

During this time, Silver began working with individuals with disabilities, especially children with auditory disorders. Silver discovered at this time that communication is a problem not only for those persons who have language disorders, but also for those who work with them.[3] Due to this barrier, she began utilizing stimulating drawings in her work with patients. In her book, Art as Language, Silver stated one could use drawings to bypass language problems and assess cognitive skills. She went on to conduct research projects on this subject, supported by the U.S. Office of Education and the National Institute of Education, among others.

Silver Drawing Assessments

During her work in the field Silver created two assessments: the Silver Drawing Test and Draw a Story. Silver's assessments use stimulus drawings to bypass language disorders in assessing cognitive skills, and to provide access to emotions and attitudes.[4] The Silver Drawing Test, which measures perceptions essential to mathematics and reading, has three subtests: drawing from imagination, drawing from observation, and predictive drawing.[5] The Drawing from Imagination test in the Silver Drawing Test is similar to Silvers’ assessment, Draw a Story.

The Silver Drawing Test and Draw a Story assessments provide quantitative findings of reliability, validity, normative data, and outcome studies that assess changes in cognitive skills or emotional states following remedial programs. In addition, they provide case studies and drawing responses by children, adolescents, and adults in clinical and non-clinical populations. The assessments use stimulus drawings to elicit responses. Responses are scored on 5-point rating scales that range from low to high levels of Ability to Select. Combine, and Represent, and from strongly negative to strongly positive Emotional Content, Self-Image, and when appropriate, Use of Humor. The findings, by mental health professionals and educators not only in the U.S.A. but also in Europe, Asia, and South America, include age, gender, and cultural difference and similarities. The three subtests of the Silver Drawing Test assess the three concepts said to be fundamental in reading and mathematics: Drawing from Imagination assesses concepts of class inclusion; Predictive Drawing, concepts of sequential order; and Drawing from Observation, concepts of space. The Draw A Story assessment is used to screen for masked depression that may lead to suicide, and reactive or predatory aggression that may lead to violence in schools.

Predictive Drawing assesses clients' grasp of the concepts of sequential order, horizontality, and verticality. In this test, there are three separate tests. One, which measures sequential order, shows an ice cream float in a clear glass, and six empty glasses. The client is directed to draw lines in the empty glasses to show how the glasses would appear if the float were drunk with a straw. The next one, which measures horizontality, shows two empty bottles. One is sitting upright, and the other tilted to the side. The client draws lines in the bottles to show where water would be with the bottles filled up halfway. The last test, which measures verticality, presents the clients with a drawing of a house sitting on top of a mountain. Clients draw the way the house would look if it moved to the spot marked with an “X” on the slope. Once these are finished, the assessment is complete.

The Draw a Story test, used most often on children and adolescents, is used to screen for depression by looking at negative and positive themes to responses. The client chooses two pictures from two forms that contain stimulus drawings, and imagine a story between them. They are then directed to draw a story between them.

Books by Rawley Silver


  1. ^ Silver, R. (2001). Art as language: Access to thoughts and feelings through stimulus drawings. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
  2. ^ American art therapy association awards & grants. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.americanarttherapyassociation.org/aata-awards.html
  3. ^ Silver, R. (1978). Developing cognitive and creative skills through art. Baltimore: University Park Press.
  4. ^ Silver, R. (1998). Retrieved October 5, 2010, from Rawley Silver, ed.d., art-bc: www.rawleysilver.com
  5. ^ Silver, R. (2002). Three Art Assessments. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

External links

http://www.routledgementalhealth.com http://www.taylorandfrancis.com http://www.eric.gov http://www.americanarttherapyassociation.org http://www.rawleysilver.com/